Installation ============ ------------ Requirements ------------ Currently the Ignition project relies on `SymPy`_ for symbolic algebra, `Numpy`_ for the FLAME language, `Mako`_ for printing. Before installing Ignition, one must install the `development version of SymPy`_, but Mako can be installed with ``easy_install mako``. -------- Download -------- Go to the `Project Page`_ on GitHub. You can checkout the repository using git. For example ~/ $ git clone git:// ------- Install ------- Inside the source, the INSTALL file gives detailed instructions. Currently the library is mostly written in Python which gives two basic install. In source install ----------------- Since the code is pure Python you can add the source directory to the ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable. No code needs to be moved or compiled for this option. For example: * Clone both ignition and sympy from their respective dev repos: Sympy: Ignition: .. code-block:: bash ~/ $ git clone git:// ~/ $ git clone git:// * Add the directories to your PYTHONPATH environment variable: .. code-block:: bash ~/ $ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/ignition:$PWD:sympy:$PYTHONPATH * go to iginition/demo/riemann and run a demo .. code-block:: bash ~/ignition/demo/riemann $ python User or global install ---------------------- This is done with the usual Python distutils with the command ``python install`` .. _SymPy: .. _Numpy: http:/ .. _Mako: .. _development version of SymPy: .. _Project Page: