Ignition v0.1.0 documentation



Currently the Ignition project relies on SymPy for symbolic algebra, Numpy for the FLAME language, Mako for printing. Before installing Ignition, one must install the development version of SymPy, but Mako can be installed with easy_install mako.


Go to the Project Page on GitHub. You can checkout the repository using git.

For example
~/ $ git clone git://github.com/aterrel/ignition.git


Inside the source, the INSTALL file gives detailed instructions. Currently the library is mostly written in Python which gives two basic install.

In source install

Since the code is pure Python you can add the source directory to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. No code needs to be moved or compiled for this option.

For example:
  • Clone both ignition and sympy from their respective dev repos:

    Sympy: https://github.com/sympy/sympy Ignition: https://github.com/aterrel/ignition

    ~/ $ git clone git://github.com/sympy/sympy.git
    ~/ $ git clone git://github.com/aterrel/ignition.git
  • Add the directories to your PYTHONPATH environment variable:

    ~/ $ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/ignition:$PWD:sympy:$PYTHONPATH
  • go to iginition/demo/riemann and run a demo

    ~/ignition/demo/riemann $ python acoustics.py

User or global install

This is done with the usual Python distutils with the command python setup.py install